


In working with thousands of women over the last two decades, an overwhelming majority tell me they’re unhappy with the number on the scale. While I understand weight is a personal priority for many, it’s not always the best indicator of overall health. This week I’m interested in talking about a few non-scale victories (NSV) I’ve heard from you that can act as a barometer for your fitness and health progress. 

Broadly, a NSV is a health achievement that has nothing to do with your actual physical weight on the scale. Here are a few NSVs some of you have achieved and shared with me over time working the Studio LB program:

Increased Stamina and Strength

So yes this sounds almost more basic than Ugg boots and a PSL in October, but feeling harder, better, faster, stronger is such an ego boost. Studio LB users message me on the hotline (424-327-5470) when they can complete an entire CCS sequence without modifying or when their definition of “heavy weights” slowly changes from 5 or 8 pounds up to 10 or 12. As you work The Program or Quick Burns as laid out in my weekly calendars, every session emphasizes core strength, muscle balance, and stability as its foundation so you will incrementally grow your strength and cardio capacity. This strength and stamina has so many real world applications that can enhance your personal and professional life.

Better Sex

Your bra straps aren’t cutting into your back, sides, or shoulders and you know your buns are lifted high and tight after approximately one million Loop bridges. Feeling yourself and enjoying the way you exist in your naked body is key to being more open with a sexual partner and more open to accepting pleasure. Plus, increased blood flow from cardio coupled with a stronger core both contribute to stronger orgasms. More and better sex is a great NSV in my book.

Clothes Don’t Lie

One of my favorite things to hear from y’all is when your favorite pair of jeans slides on and buttons easily. I’m talking about the ones without even an iota of Spandex, maybe from like 1999, and they fit like a glove. Maybe your weight has remained steady, or even increased in some cases, but your shape has totally transformed. I feel like a broken record suggesting writing down your measurements monthly and taking before and after photos, but it’s an amazing and accurate way to track your progress regardless of your weight.

Let me know what drives you to stay consistent with Studio LB workouts and any NSVs you’ve celebrated along your fitness journey! I love seeing all of your posts on our Facebook page and in my DMs on Instagram.


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I want to preface this post by saying that I’m a huge believer in the benefits and power of cannabis. The plant has enhanced my wellness and self-care routine, relieves joint pain, makes my skin radiant, helps me sleep better, and helps to relieve stress. By writing about it, I hope to help normalize it’s use.

I’ve been using CBD for a few years now, but when I started hearing a lot about CBD products I thought it was just a function of moving from the East Coast to the West Coast. California definitely has a more laid back, open vibe, and I just figured I was hearing about CBD and cannabis more because of that. I think it’s safe to say, however, that cannabis has swept the nation and isn’t just for stoners on a dorm room futon anymore. I’m using it, your dad is using it, your coworkers, and even your dog. I figured I’d share with you some of the pros and cons of cannabis and CBD in my opinion, and introduce you to one of my personal favorite brands, Beboe.

This past spring, I was excited to be invited to a women in cannabis luncheon for wellness-minded women and it sparked my interest in learning more about the “green rush” in the food and beauty industries, which are two passions of mine.

A cannabis plant is made up of many chemical compounds called cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two of the most abundant and well known of these, with a primary difference being that THC is intoxicating/psychoactive and CBD is not.

CBD is said to help with anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, and chronic pain and can provide a sense of peace or wellbeing without experiencing a high. It can come in many forms, including sublingual oil in a tincture, creams, edibles, infused drinks, and more. One con of using CBD oil is if it contains even trace amounts of THC in the product, a drug test can potentially read positive which could interfere with professional and personal obligations.

You can purchase CBD products across the United States without a prescription, while only a few states in the nation (ahem, Cali!) allow the purchase of cannabis containing THC without an Rx. Recently, I had a photoshoot for an incredible luxury brand of cannabis products - both with or without THC - called Beboe / Beboe Therapies and I’m 100% obsessed with them. 

Beboe has both beautiful branding and high quality products from Pastilles candies to an incredible face serum. I particularly love using their skincare line’s face mask. A 30 minute sheet mask full of AHAs, Vitamin C, Aloe, Algae Extract, and 50mg of CBD (among other ingredients) leaves my face glowing and feeling rejuvenated .

While cannabis usage is obviously a personal preference, to me the calming and centering effects of CBD are tops. And no hangover or high effect is pretty great too. I’d be interested in hearing what you all have to say about the cannabis industry, both CBD products and THC where it has become legalized. Reach out and let me know! If you’re interested in checking out CBD products, check out Missgrass.


image via chillhouse

image via chillhouse

When it comes to skincare, I’ll never give up on my peels, serums, microcurrent, and jade roller, but lately I’ve been loving a more low tech approach that yields amazing results instead, using a super old school Chinese method called Gua Sha. “Gua Sha,” which directly translates to “scraping” in Chinese, is a healing technique in traditional East Asian medicine that uses a smooth crystal tool for facial massage (and other body parts too). 

I had been using a jade roller for a few years intermittently, but prefer the gentle “scraping” motion I’ve learned with this method. It invigorates my skin and I can immediately feel a boost in blood flow, like nothing below the surface is stagnating. Gua sha can relieve facial and jaw tension, promote cell renewal, renews facial contour, firms and lifts sagging skin, reduces inflammation, puffiness, diminishes blemishes, relieves encourage lymphatic draining, provides a great brow lift, and breaks up fascia. I swear I have fewer headaches, and my face looks contoured and more youthful after a session. Research shows the stimulating blood flow through this therapy can have anti-inflammatory and immune-protective effects that last for days following a single treatment. 

Personally, I learned how to do an at-home facial and the proper directional method from pro Kari Jansen of Poppy and Someday in Laurel Canyon and it was so helpful. The gua sha workshop I attended was part of a day long wellness retreat full of yoga, meditation, tarot readings, and fresh seasonal meals so basically heaven. Two big takeaways from the lesson I had was to work until the skin is red and to look for a tool made from rose quartz or jade, rather than acrylic. Kari says, “You want to Gua Sha until your skin turns pink or even red. For it releasing toxins, excess fire or inflammation, increases blood flow, and breaks up congested & cold lymph. When it’s deep red your body is releasing lactic acid and moving stagnation.”

I’m totally giving gua sha credit for clearer, brighter skin that feels and looks invigorated. The larger tool I have is also great for massaging my chest, arms, and thighs, boosting blood flow and improving the look of my skin’s texture. I’d definitely recommend seeking out a gua sha treatment or trying an at home facial.

If you’re looking for inspo, check out holistic skincare Britta Beauty on instagram. Her videos are not only great to have on hand if you're new to gua sha.

How To:

1. You’ll notice how much heat gua sha produces so, you can prime your skin with a bit of facial oil or moisturizer to ease friction. This is not at all a critical step, but it definitely feels great.

2. Starting at the base of your neck, take the flat side of the tool and move upwards towards your chin applying reasonable pressure.

3. Move to the chin. From the base of your chin, take the same flat edge and sweep upwards towards your cheekbones. Repeat this step on each side of your face three times. If you feel particularly tense in your jaw, you might want to focus on this area. The jaw is my favorite part and Kari taught me how to identify and blast the stagnation “crystals” that accumulate there.

4. Switching to one of the smaller angles on your tool (there are usually a few, you can choose the most comfortable for your face shape), begin on the side of your nose and sweep outwards over the cheekbones towards the temples and over your brows for a lift. End with a few swipes up the nose towards the forehead.



It’s time to level up. The summer solstice arrives in just a few hours. Even though Memorial Day weekend often feels like the official kickoff of summer, the summer solstice, which begins at 11:54am on Friday, June 21, marks the official beginning of our favorite time of the year. The solstice is a celebration of the sun, is a peak of energy for the entire year, and is a perfect time to reflect on your 2019 so far and excitedly usher in a new season.

I’m so ready to play, soak up the light and good energy that summer brings. Spring —and our time of renewal and grey is OVER. At Studio LB, we’ve been gently easing into this new season for eight weeks and now it’s time to shift into manifestation mode and make our goals a reality. Here are five ways to celebrate the much-loved incoming season.

1. Rise Early Watching the sun rise is a powerful reminder of nature’s cycles and our often overlooked circadian rhythm. Wake up early and watch it rise with your coffee or tea and feel how those diamond minutes fill you with light and positive energy.

2. Tune Into Nature The best way to honor the sun is to be in it, so take your Studio LB workout outdoors, eat outside, and buy fresh flowers to celebrate the new season and the abundance of life that the sun gives us.

3. Set Summer Intentions/Resolutions Today is the perfect time to set intentions and re-visit goals for the rest of the year. Reflect on projects and ideas that have been brewing since winter/spring. It’s a great time for a check-in, so make a list or light and candle and manifest what you want and let go of what you don’t.

4. Be Free Summer is an opportunity to slow down, loosen the reigns, and tune into your inner child. The warmer months bring us a carefree sense of freedom, and an expansive energy that propels us into action as we spend more time outdoors.

5. Create A Magical Summer Cocktail Traditionally, elderflowers and their leaves are associated with the summer solstice. Alternatively, you can utilize St. Germain or brew chamomile tea and add a dash of turmeric and ginger.



How has living on the West Coast affected your lifestyle?

California has always felt like home to me. Whenever I would travel here for work or vacation I’d never want to leave. Jordan says LA is my “Spirit City” which seems about right. My lifestyle has shifted a bit since moving to the West Coast. I feel like it’s quieter in LA - I spend much more time at home in LA than I ever did in Philadelphia. I’m not on edge and running around LA like I was on the East Coast. I’m much more balanced, present, and chilled-out here. In addition to my at-home Studio LB practice it’s also been really nice for me to step outside my house and go for a walking call, or a hike or run at Runyon.

Is routine important to you, or do you prefer to go with the flow when it comes to your schedule?

Routine is important to me when it comes to health and wellness but I’m very much a go with the flow person, which can be both good and bad! Being over-scheduled with work squashes my creativity and I prefer to create and produce one - two workouts on certain days, and then the rest can be more spontaneous. I think leaving room for spontaneity in your life leads you down some pretty awesome roads.

With that being said, do you have any bedtime routines or rituals that help you sleep well?

Every night I put ten solid minutes in on my foam roller and take a bath followed by Papa & Barkley’s Whole Body Releaf 30:1 CBD Tincture.

Tell me about your skincare approach for your face and body.

My routine is pretty simple. I’m a huge believer in the benefits of a healthy diet and sweating everyday. I don’t eat a lot of sugar or dairy. Other than that, daily Gua Sha, and micro-current a few times a week. I’ve been using Dr. Bucky’s Alphaeon and Shani Darden’s Retinol Reform for years.

What’s the best advice your parents ever gave you, and do you actively follow it?

My parents always allowed me to be myself, and told me to do what I love and try to make money doing it. I absolutely follow (most of) their advice.

If stressors in your life cannot be avoided, what are your methods of dealing with them?

It has to be pretty stressful in order to really eat at me, but if I’m sweating something I like to breathe and remind myself that things aren’t always going to be okay, and to accept that.

How’s your relationship with your body? 

OMG I am so in tune with my body. I sorta have this like, body intuition with myself (and other people’s bodies). I can read it really well, and know when I need to cut out sugar or dairy, or back off during a workout. My outlook on my body has changed since turning 40. I feel stronger than ever and my mind and body are super meshed. I know who I am and I love every inch of me, and for me that really came with age.

Can you tell me about a book, movie, or podcast that has influenced you recently?

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari kinda blew my mind.

In your practice with Studio LB, you always build in a Rest or Yoga day. Can you explain the importance of that day?

Taking a rest day is so important. Your body rebuilds itself via rest. You simply cannot become stronger without it. CCS is intense and so full-body. Every muscle is integrated into the workout and the rest day is so necessary! Yoga is the perfect companion as it really helps with stretching and alignment.

What do you look for in a Yoga teacher?

The main things that I look for is a teacher with great anatomy knowledge, and a willingness to be super authentic. I don’t need someone to be nice and I think it's crucial for teachers to be real and that’s what really attracts me. I want to feel something. When teachers are true educators it’s so palpable. Here in LA, I love Emilie Perz. She’s so gifted!

Do you ever see yourself having a Studio again?

You know, CCS is very niche and unique but the current market is very different from when I started out. It’s so saturated. I’ll never say never, but not right now. I have days where I have a slight itch but operating studios is not what excites me. I love the digital world. I love being able to be a part of everyone’s day wherever they are. I LOVE teaching and creating. That’s my gift. I also love being a part of people’s lives without the need or pressure to be people’s ONLY thing. I think that we’re really in the midst of a huge fitness shift; a cultural moment.

Why do you think people gravitate towards you and Studio LB?

I think it's a mixture of things. First and foremost, the workout and the results. But, it's more than just changing your body. It's always been about empowering women through movement and this movement in particular really fuels confidence and strength. It literally makes you feel like you’re f*ing Beyonce. It’s so powerful. And fun. The Program changes people’s bodies and headspace.

What’s the most common mistake you see when you’re training someone new to Cardio Cheer Sculpting?

Just not giving it enough time to fully master the technique or not committing to learning the basic bio-mechanical principles. CCS is a different type of movement. Discipline is a huge part of success with CCS and there are huge rewards of committing to Studio LB fully, working hard, and seeing the program through. You can’t make excuses and succeed when it comes to fitness.

What advice to women always ask you for?

Number one would be what they should eat to see the best results.

What do you do to unwind or treat yourself?

I unwind by listening to music or reading and I love to hang with my girls or treat myself to a manicure and pedicure at Olive & June or go shopping. And wine…wine and shopping!

What’s your favorite love song?

Ahh! Probably a tie between Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen and Rolling Stones Beast of Burden.

To be continued next week…



I'm one of the lucky few that doesn't have to wear deodorant, but if I did I would want something natural that works as hard as I do, and I wouldn't want to smell like a pine tree. 

A friend of a friend told me about Curie and I passed it along to Katie so that she could put it to the two+ STUDIO LB workouts a day in LA test. Katie loves that it's natural, contains no aluminum, smells great, and held up after two very intense STUDIO LB workouts.


Curie was founded in San Francisco by Sarah Moret. As a marathon runner with a demanding career in venture capital, she needed a natural deodorant that could keep up with her active lifestyle and couldn't find one. She spent almost a year developing the formula and launched Curie in April 2018.  Curie is an aluminum-free, natural deodorant made with simple ingredients that your body understands, like coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, and baking soda...and it works! Curie's signature white tea scent is light, fresh and feminine and smells heavenly :) 

I love that the brand’s name pays homage to French physicist and chemist Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel prize, and the first and only woman to win twice. She was a badass that broke barriers. Curie comes in regular, mini (temporarily sold out) and sensitive skin formulas.
