


I think that one of the toughest aspects of SLB is “getting” the feel for our cardio technique initially, or getting your cardiovascular stamina up to par or back up to par after some time off.  You may find yourself feeling really defeated trying to finish our full length workouts and having to devote some time to learning some of our Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting cardio choreography.  Here are some tips for safe and efficient cardio:

Not feeling confident? CCS cardio stems from cheer choreography-The confident and sexy, shake your hips kind. Think you're not sexy? I disagree! If I break out a move that makes you feel awkward, don't panic. You know how I'm always telling you to shake your hair? One easy way to bring out the sexiness inside of you is to let your hair down—as in, literally remove your ponytail. Shaking your hair around will help you feel free. 

Smile! Smiling is the fastest way to boost your mood.  

Two left feet? Learning CCS choreography requires training your body and your mind. We build our sequences by doing each move for 10-20 reps and then breakdown 10 times. Still don’t have it? You’ll have it the second time you do the workout that week, I promise! Another tip is to take it one extremity at a time. Start with the footwork, and then add in the arms when you feel you have the footwork.

Posture matters. Keep you shoulders open, depressed and lift from the heart. This instantly engages and elongates your abs. 

Activate your arms. Think about how you punch out those perfect sharp high v's and low v's...Do this with every movement and feel your heart-rate climb! 

Don't stop as soon as your heart rate starts to really climb.  Try not to have heart rate anxiety. So many people get nervous once their heart-rate gets in the zone.