Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, the air ripens, heat intensifies, and time slows on this longest day of the year. Known in the Gaelic calendar as Litha, it’s a time of celebration. We honor sunlight and its life giving and preserving qualities, and our own brightness and light.

I’m ready to play and soak up the good energy that summer brings. It’s time to shift into manifestation mode and make our goals a reality. Light a bonfire, dance under the stars and delight in this Earth’s immense beauty. Here are five ways to celebrate the much-loved incoming season.

Rise Early

Watching the sun rise is a powerful reminder of nature’s cycles and our often overlooked circadian rhythm. Wake up early and watch it rise with your coffee or tea and feel how those diamond minutes fill you with light and positive energy.

Tune Into Nature

The best way to honor the sun is to be in it, so take your Studio LB workout outdoors, eat outside, and buy fresh flowers to celebrate the new season and the abundance of life that the sun gives us.

Set Summer Intentions

This week is the perfect time to set intentions and re-visit goals for the rest of the year. Reflect on projects and ideas that have been brewing since winter/spring. It’s a great time for a check-in, so make a list or light and candle and manifest what you want and let go of and what you want to keep.

Be Free

Summer is an opportunity to slow down, loosen the reigns, and tune into your inner child. The warmer months bring us a carefree sense of freedom, and an expansive energy that propels us into action as we spend more time outdoors.