

You know when our hearts are in our throats and the work is hard AF and you hear me say “you’re in it?” It’s my way of reminding you that you’re present. You’re in it. You’re doing the work.

And you definitely know when you’re in it and when you’re not, right? Sometimes we take meaningful pauses and sometimes life totally gets in the way. There are times when we’re on top our practice and fully committed, and there are times when we just can’t get ourselves to open the app let alone do a Quick Burn. Whether you just joined SLB or you’ve been practicing for years, I want you to know that it’s totally normal. No matter what your reason is for falling off, it’s okay. Here’s what I recommend if you want to get back on track:

Instead of being avoidant, guilty or feeling into perfectionism, give yourself permission to pause/rest and be mindful about how you’re going to start again. Make a date with yourself in your calendar and start with a Quick Burn or anything that lights you up from your favorites. Don’t be afraid to check in with me for accountability (it’s my favorite part of what I do) and you’ll be in it again in no time.


Image via Vogue

Wondering how you can work through feeling stuck, uninspired and/or heavy energy? Five tips for when you’re trying to get back into a daily movement practice or just want to feel better overall.

movement creates movement

There’s so much power in Inertia. When we’re too sedentary, energy gets stuck. Stretch, dance or walk to get things flowing again. The hardest part is getting started but once you get the ball rolling, you won’t want to stop.

Food choices

Food is energy and it directly impacts how we feel. Really think about what you ate over the last few days. If it’s been low-vibration foods (sugar, processed foods and unhealthy fats), bring in whole, high-vibration foods such as leafy greens, green juice, and protein. Dive into our 7-Day Meal Plan for a reset or start your week off with my green juice.

Change a daily habit

Sometimes the fear of making a big change can be paralyzing and keeps you from making any change at all. Start with a small daily habit like drinking water upon rising to make the energy move.

Clean house

Accumulating things that you don’t need keeps the energy around you stuck. Clean out your closet and resell or donate things that no longer serve you.

Let go of fear

Fear makes you stay in your current mindset, circumstances, and keeps your energy revolving around the same thing.


Think you’ve hit your ceiling? You haven’t, I promise.

Same diet, same exact workout, same length of time on the mat, (with the same mods), and same comfort zone? Check out my six tips that will help you test your limits, become more connected to movement, push through the good pain, and your next SLB workout.

Go beyond aesthetics. Sure, having a killer bod is a side effect of SLB, but for a lot people, “wanting to look hot” isn’t something that they’re actually emotionally connected to. I’ve found that thinking about strength is more powerful when your trying to power through a plateau.

Break it up. Less can be more. Think about finishing in smaller increments or choose a Quick Burn and give it your all. Cutting the full length into two, 25-minute halves is a lot less daunting and you won’t have that pit of dread that usually starts brewing long before you press play.

Stop watching the numbers. Be present. Being fixated on reps, calorie burn, or how many minutes you have left will only make the time pass more slowly, and will keep you from ever getting fully mentally “in the zone” and in your body. If it’s a hard habit to break, put a piece of tape over the time counter on your screen or your HR monitor.

Know your WHY. I say it all the time, but it’s so important to know and connect to and with your true north.

Really feel it. Find something you enjoy about what you’re doing. I always like to feel like I’m punching above my weight. You’re doing SLB because on some sick level, you enjoy it, right? Remember that. Consider what you “like” about it so that you enjoy the sensation of building muscle rather than just thinking of it as just a painful experience.

Be grateful for the body and mind that allows you to move. When I teach and our hearts are in our throats, I like to remind people what a privilege it is that they can move. It’s easy to forget that being able to work out is a gift. You’re SO BEYOND lucky you get to do 100 squats and lunges.


As I look ahead to the shift into Fall (and back to school), I almost immediately feel anxiety. As women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities—family, work, school, relationships, and more. It can be completely overwhelming, and when life gets too stressful, it can lead to anxiety, worry, and even panic. You know when you spend the day feeling flighty, disconnected, and just going through the motions? There are ways to find balance and bring yourself back to calm and centered, and one of the most effective methods that I’ve relied on for most of my life is grounding. In fact, you’ll often find me literally sitting on the floor. One of the reasons Activation feels so good is because we really ground down over the course of a few days.

Grounding basically means to bring your focus to what is happening to you physically, either in your body or in your surroundings, instead of being trapped by the thoughts in your mind that are causing you to feel anxious. It helps you stay in the present moment instead of worrying about things that may happen in the future or events that have already happened but you still find yourself going over and over them in your head. Here are five grounding techniques that can help you reduce stress and anxiety:


Beyond slb, I regularly dance and spend time on my foam roller to release emotoin. Movement helps release stress, gets blood flowing, and calms the mind. As you move, focus on your body and how it feels. Pay attention to your breath and how your muscles feel.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is one of the most effective grounding techniques for stress and anxiety. Regulating your breathing helps you regulate your emotions. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling the lungs completely, then exhale slowly and fully through your mouth. Repeat this exercise for a few minutes, paying attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale.

EFT Tapping

You’ll see me tapping often. Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.

Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas of the body energy flows through. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Any imbalance can influence disease or sickness. Acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure to these energy points. EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure.

Sensory Awareness

Grounding through sensory awareness is another effective technique. It involves focusing on your senses to help bring you back to the present moment. Start by sitting or standing with your feet firmly on the ground. Take a deep breath and then focus on your senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Pay attention to each sense and try to describe it in detail in your mind. Sucking on a piece of sour candy or walking outside on the grass barefoot also really helps.


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without reacting to them. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. As thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them, but don't dwell on them. Instead, let them go and return your focus to your breath.


Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, the air ripens, heat intensifies, and time slows on this longest day of the year. Known in the Gaelic calendar as Litha, it’s a time of celebration. We honor sunlight and its life giving and preserving qualities, and our own brightness and light.

I’m ready to play and soak up the good energy that summer brings. It’s time to shift into manifestation mode and make our goals a reality. Light a bonfire, dance under the stars and delight in this Earth’s immense beauty. Here are five ways to celebrate the much-loved incoming season.

Rise Early

Watching the sun rise is a powerful reminder of nature’s cycles and our often overlooked circadian rhythm. Wake up early and watch it rise with your coffee or tea and feel how those diamond minutes fill you with light and positive energy.

Tune Into Nature

The best way to honor the sun is to be in it, so take your Studio LB workout outdoors, eat outside, and buy fresh flowers to celebrate the new season and the abundance of life that the sun gives us.

Set Summer Intentions

This week is the perfect time to set intentions and re-visit goals for the rest of the year. Reflect on projects and ideas that have been brewing since winter/spring. It’s a great time for a check-in, so make a list or light and candle and manifest what you want and let go of and what you want to keep.

Be Free

Summer is an opportunity to slow down, loosen the reigns, and tune into your inner child. The warmer months bring us a carefree sense of freedom, and an expansive energy that propels us into action as we spend more time outdoors.


I’ve been in the fitness industry and have worked with (mostly) women for almost two decades. Each year, as winter turns to spring, women call on me when they want to feel their best wearing less. As I learn about what they want to change about their physical bodies, I also help them do the mental work and identify what they love about themselves. More than the results they achieve with SLB, I love to help women build confidence and realize that their body is the most uniquely beautiful and the most amazing thing that they will ever own.

I’m a pro at making myself look larger and longer both on and off camera. If you’ve never met me in person, I’m shockingly petite (5’0 and 100 lbs) but I’ve always been incredibly curvy. I’ve gone through stages where I didn’t love my curves and wished I was like, AT LEAST 5’2”, but over the years I’ve learned to really appreciate and truly love my body. I’m here to tell you that loving your body takes time but it’s not difficult to do.

Identify and Own your Strengths

Instead of picking yourself apart or comparing yourself to someone else, focus on your what makes you uniquely beautiful. I promise that you can identify one thing you love about yourself and that will turn into ten.

Drop into the Physical

I like to use movement to break negative patterns and shift my mindset. The quickest and easiest way to upgrade your mood is to move. You can literally move the negative out of your mind and body, because movement can chemically change how you feel. Emotion is enhanced by motion, and movement can make you feel good, sexy, strong, beautiful and empowered. I’m biased but there is nothing out there that will tone and shape your body as quickly as Studio LB. Combining cardio and resistance training is key and even if you’re just doing our Quick Burn workouts, you are guaranteed results in as little as ten workouts. It’s as instant gratification as it gets.


Take a bath, apply a mask or a spray tan, and just flirt with life a little bit more. Love and the libido is a vital sign in your well-being and your body’s eco-system. I’m not just talking about sex. Everything in life is connected to the heart, desire and feeling alive. I’ve learned that love really starts at home – within ourselves. Feeling sexy (for myself) allows me to tap into my creativity, confidence, all that is feminine and ultimately - loving my body.

Wear what feels good

Forget about what’s trendy and stick to what you feel the most confident and comfortable in…and smile. Nobody will notice your insecurities if you feel good and look authentically happy.

Eat with LB

A few days before you’re planning on being in a bikini, drink plenty of water and decrease sodium and foods that cause bloating. It's not a case of healthy vs. unhealthy – choose still over sparkling water and stay away from raw veggies like cabbage or broccoli and beans which can cause bloating. I always choose anti-bloat options like sauteed greens and grilled chicken before I show major skin.

Posture Perfect

Stand up straight with your shoulders pulled back and down and with as much confidence as you can gather. Lengthening your spine out through the crown of your head is literally the quickest and most effective change you can make.

High Pony

Volume or “big hair” draws attention to the upper half of your body, balancing your silhouette and providing a distraction from any parts you're not in love with at the current moment. A high pony adds two inches in height and stretches you out. Even a sun hat will do the trick!


Fall is the perfect time to focus on your goals and your space. Where do you practice? Are you squeezed into a mat-sized nook, do you SLB in a shared condo or apartment studio, or do you have a whole basement devoted to your practice? No matter the space, there are simple ways to make it feel more inspiring and aspirational. Make it your world and you won’t want to be anywhere else.


When it comes to at-home fitness, screen size and sound quality really matters. And seeing yourself is crucial so a full length mirror is a non-negotiable. Having a large screen and Bluetooth speakers set up nearby will help you feel more immersed in the workout and the music, like you’re right there in the studio with me. All apps are included in your subscription: You can SLB via iphone and Android but take advantage of Apple TV, Roku, Android TV and Amazon Fire TV. If your neighbors complain about the noise, headphones are the answer.


Many SLB members hang inspiring art, mood boards or letter boards featuring their favorite mantra to help them stay committed and really want to practice in the space. Whatever you choose, make sure you can see it so that you want to push harder to achieve those goals.


You’re going to sweat, so you’re going to want a fan. I have a small, retro Vornado that not only looks great but doesn’t take up a ton of space.


Keep everything you need within reach so that you’re not stalling to get your loops, a tissue, a towel, your phone, baby monitor, etc. Having a small table, or floating shelves set up near your mat will give you peace of mind and prevent long-term breaks.


Lighting is everything. Proper lighting makes you look great and also sets the mood by creating an inspiring ambiance while you’re practicing. It truly makes all the difference.

Lauren Boggi's Top 10 Fitness Tips


Everyday I’m asked questions about how to achieve a stronger, more fit, leaner body. I love helping you guys hustle and chase your dreams. Here are my top 10 re: body and fitness.

1. Fitness level reflects workouts and aesthetics is more related to nutrition. Combine the two for incredible results.

2. The magic that you’re looking for is often in the work that you’re avoiding.

3. Training the body and mind to work together in harmony will bring you the results that you desire.

4. It’s not just about cardio…Strength, balance, flexibility and rest/recovery are just as important.

5. Cardio increases endurance and sculpting is the key to increasing lean muscle mass and will assist with weight control. The combination is the key to transforming your body.

6. Don’t be afraid of building muscle and lifting heavy – it will change your metabolism and your body.

7. You’re doing it FOR YOU and to feel good in your skin not for them or in a bikini or a dress (those are bonuses).

8. It’s very important to live but your off days will absolutely impact your results even if you're on-point 80% of the time.

9. Being consistently consistent is everything. Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it’s from what you do Every.Single.Day.

10. You CAN do it. How bad do you want it? The only limit is you. Stay positive, have fun, and never give up.



My goal is to help motivate women to achieve a strong, toned, feminine body without going overboard. I want them to become their best selves - shining at their absolute brightest.

Whether it’s post-Activation, pre-summer, or as the world is currently opening back up two-a-day season is here. I don’t recommend training like this regularly (it’s not necessary) but I’m often asked how to ramp up your results and safely take on two SLB workouts in one day and how to best do it.

If you’re currently completing a full-length workout each day, I recommend tacking on one Quick Burn workout daily for four or five days to begin. If you really want to see your progress, I recommend following our 7-Day Meal Plan. Diet is everything, guys. You cannot out work a poor diet. It takes being constant, disciplined and focused.

You receive three to four new workouts each week, but you also have an extensive workout library that’s just shy of 700 workouts and there are SO many gems in there. There are so many ways to use SLB and at the end of the day it should work for you whether it’s your main thing or your sidepiece.

Know your Goals

Part of it is understanding what your personal goals are. From there, you can achieve your goals. For example, if one of your goals is fat loss, you’ll want to lift heavy during full length workouts (unless I say otherwise) and also choose workouts that target the large muscles of the lower body (fat burners). FYI: I create at lease two of these for you each week.

Make it Personal

Head back to a favorite or peruse the Quick Burn library. There’s no reason to fear mixing it up. If you've been adding your favorite workouts to "Favorites" in SLB, this is a great place to start. Search for the individual workout by name or under its category (Cardio + Sculpt, Sculpt or Quick Burn). Our workouts are always evolving, so something from 2019 or 2020 may feel really fresh.

Play with Props

Do you always start with cardio or sculpt? Why not start from a new perspective and search a prop that speaks to you? By beginning with something you love or maybe something you haven’t done in a while like a dowel workout, your workout will feel more personal, fun, and revived.

Program with Purpose

Each week I make sure we’re balancing the body with a mixture of flexion, extension and rotation along with incorporating both standing and grounded work. You’ll also notice equal balance of weighted work, cardio and sculpt. Grouping movement together by function and purpose helps to give more context to the week. Once you start balancing things in this way, you’ll see what you have too much or too little of. Doing too much cardio or repeating the same workout everyday won’t get you very far or do you much good.

When you work from a place of balance, your weekly schedule will feel purposeful. If you don't want to think too hard, you can repeat an entire week from a previous month.  I do my best to make sure nothing goes untouched, under or over-worked in a particular week, so you know it's always a safe bet to follow a full week. 

Less can be More

Quick Burn workouts really work in 30 minutes or less. With every workout, I make sure you are in the total-body zone so that you don’t create muscle imbalances. The art of programming can be tricky to get right, and it’s easy to overwork or underwork parts of the body when you’re DIY’ing it. When you’re not following the weekly QB schedule, make sure you’re choosing a Cardio + Sculpt and Standing Abs workout each week. Lifting heavy will give you way more burn for the time.

Elevate what’s Pre-Existing

It’s amazing how a few small tweaks can unlock your workouts freshness and vitality. Something as simple as working with a 2 lb. heavier weight or adding ankle weight can make a huge impact.

Let it be a Work in Progress

Finally, it’s important to allow your workout and your progress to be a work in progress. You have to accept that fitness and progress takes time, and the biggest visible progress will come from diet. It isn’t a race, and there’s no finish line, so try to relax and enjoy the process.


Two Glasses of Water, Irving Penn (1970)

Two Glasses of Water, Irving Penn (1970)

If there is one health myth that will not die, it is this: You should drink eight glasses of water a day. Guess what? There is no science behind it. Personally, I’ve always had hydration guilt because I’ve never in my life drank eight a day, every single day. And that’s something to feel good about. As with everything, is not always about the numbers. I’ve always tried to keep go by how my body feels and not complicate hydration.

According to most doctors, we should listen to our bodies and shouldn't drink more than our body wants. Similar to when we eat, the body tells us when we’re full by taking that exhale. The discomfort we feel when we drink too much water is a protective mechanism to prevent over-hydration. Water intoxication is a real but rare phenomenon that occurs due to an excessive intake of water (usually during exercise), when the amount of water intake exceeds that of water excretion by the kidneys. As a result, the sodium concentration in the blood is diluted, and hyponatremia develops. When this happens, your body's water levels rise, and your cells begin to swell.

Working out aside, how much water should we aim for day-to-day? It’s really all about your lifestyle. Going off our own thirst is the best way to judge how much we need. Just like diet, it’s an individual thing and it all comes down to water in, water out. If you’re doing an intense SLB Cardio + Sculpt workout for example, you’re going to want more water and your body will tell you that. Those who break a sweat will crave more water and the same rule goes with food. By eating a balanced diet high in water-dense fruits and veggies, we’ll achieve about 20-40% of our daily water needs through food. Yet another reason to eat those collard wraps!



2021 coming in hot! Feel that good energy? I’ve followed so many of your personal journeys this year in regards to health and wellness. For some, healthy habits took a back seat to new responsibilities that came with the pandemic while others used the extra time to at home to create new healthy habits. Regardless of how you’re feeling today, it’s time to get into a new mindset and start 2021 on the right foot.

You know how you accomplish more of your health goals during a week if you get your workouts in early in the week and meal prep over the weekend? The same is true for the year. Starting the year off on the right foot, will set you up for success all year long.

So many of us need a catalyst to stay committed to fitness. Every year, I hear from many of you that your goals include looking and feeling your best for a certain event, or in a bikini, or your favorite pair of shorts, etc. With herd immunity or getting round one of the vaccine still a ways away, you may feel like you’re lacking motivation rn.

It’s time to change your motivation mindset. Yes, fitness gives you confidence, but it also gives you so much more than that. It gives you energy, it boosts your mood, it helps you sleep better, helps you control your weight, it helps you age well, and reduces your risk of chronic disease.

It’s time to turn Netflix off, and SLB On. Throw the sugar and processed foods out and stock up on whole foods. We’re starting this year right. Make yourself feel good now, and your future self will thank you for years to come.

The SLB Jan Program begins on Monday. Sign up and commit by texting us on the SLB Connect hotline: 424-327-5470. Plant some seeds today for what you want to be, what you want to see, and where you want to be in the near future. Do it with intention and love and believe that it’s all coming together, because it is!



BTS of me tapping in-between shots. You guys ask me all the time how I get a lit from within glow. I work from the inside out by sweating everyday with SLB and I follow a low glycemic, whole foods diet but I also take my skincare really seriously. A few key products that I swear by:

Shani Darden Retinol Reform is key to keeping my skin glowing and exfoliated without irritation or dryness.
Adipeau Fat Balance Activator plumps. I use it as a sleeping mask nightly.
Deesse Pro Mask Next Generation (via Shani Darden) - I rely on red + blue light therapy daily for anti-aging and treating acne rosacea.

Lauren’s results after 3 months of Adipeau

Lauren’s results after 3 months of Adipeau

Lauren using the Deesse Pro Next Generation

Lauren using the Deesse Pro Next Generation



Are you squeezing your butt while you lean fwd during standing abs? Your glutes are your powerhouse! We train the chain all the time at SLB for so many reasons beyond aesthetics:

Athletic Performance: Ideal hip extension means improved propulsion for CCS, etc.

Muscle Balance & Pain Reduction: A strong booty supports the core, lower back and spine and changes the way your body reacts to gravitational force by taking pressure off the joints.

Great Posture: Sitting all day with poor posture can cause tight hip flexors, dormant glutes and a weak core.

Accelerates Fat Loss: Your glutes are the strongest and largest group of muscles in the body (they’re our “fat burners”). Because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, increasing lean muscle mass via glute training can accelerate fat loss and keep it off.



I think that one of the toughest aspects of SLB is “getting” the feel for our cardio technique initially, or getting your cardiovascular stamina up to par or back up to par after some time off.  You may find yourself feeling really defeated trying to finish our full length workouts and having to devote some time to learning some of our Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting cardio choreography.  Here are some tips for safe and efficient cardio:

Not feeling confident? CCS cardio stems from cheer choreography-The confident and sexy, shake your hips kind. Think you're not sexy? I disagree! If I break out a move that makes you feel awkward, don't panic. You know how I'm always telling you to shake your hair? One easy way to bring out the sexiness inside of you is to let your hair down—as in, literally remove your ponytail. Shaking your hair around will help you feel free. 

Smile! Smiling is the fastest way to boost your mood.  

Two left feet? Learning CCS choreography requires training your body and your mind. We build our sequences by doing each move for 10-20 reps and then breakdown 10 times. Still don’t have it? You’ll have it the second time you do the workout that week, I promise! Another tip is to take it one extremity at a time. Start with the footwork, and then add in the arms when you feel you have the footwork.

Posture matters. Keep you shoulders open, depressed and lift from the heart. This instantly engages and elongates your abs. 

Activate your arms. Think about how you punch out those perfect sharp high v's and low v's...Do this with every movement and feel your heart-rate climb! 

Don't stop as soon as your heart rate starts to really climb.  Try not to have heart rate anxiety. So many people get nervous once their heart-rate gets in the zone.



TGIF! The last day of the workweek still hasn’t lost its charm. I always look at Friday as the day to set the tone to bring more joy to the weekend. Pre-March, dressing up and heading to happy hour with my girlfriends was a rite of passage (and I miss it!) but these days I blow off steam in my skates and make pizza with my neighbors.

If Sunday is the day to reflect and prepare for the week ahead, Friday’s are for celebrating what you’ve accomplished during the week and kicking-off the weekend. I thought sharing my Friday practice would be a great way to inspire ideas on how we can start the weekend right! Here’s my Friday Practice:

Coffee Out. I start my day getting out of the house with coffee at Alfred. It’s such a treat.

SLB Quick Burn, post-coffee. I have to get moving but with homeschooling my mornings are insane and most days I don’t have time for a full length.

Lunch / Work Outside. Vitamin D and some fresh air is everything.

Sk8! My mom owned Laundromats and growing up I would roll around all day long. Picking them up again during the pandemic has been so much fun and also really great cross-training.

Pizza Friday. We started a tradition of making pizza with our neighbors and it’s so much fun.

Movie Night. Friday is the perfect time for authorized screen time with family and friends. I love watching and introducing Mars to older movies like Little Shop of Horrors.

Sunset & Wine. Fall means the days are shorter, and sunsets come earlier so there's plenty of time to catch one with a glass of wine before bed. 


One thing we don’t talk enough about is how to successfully make the transition from primarily exercising at gyms and fitness studios, to primarily exercising at home. The key is learning what works for you in terms of self-motivation and accountability.  At gyms or in class, people tend to find their motivation because someone else is watching, or you may show up for your workout because you’ll be charged if you skip it. These motivational factors aren’t relevant w/ digital fitness so you need to change your mindset. Recently, I shared a few tips from myself as well as some of our long time members. Many of you reached out asking for more, so this week we’re talking with Chrissy S. & Alicia P!

Chrissy S. (Lake Tahoe, CA)


 “A few months prior (to these pictures) I was paddle boarding and someone took a pic. I saw it and signed up for the 7 day trial the very next day. Fast forward to my next beach vacation and I was finally comfortable chasing my kids around in a bikini because of Studio LB.”

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB?

I have been a member for just under a year. I typically follow the "Program" and practice five days a week. Okay, sometimes four but this forced stillness we are experiencing has been beneficial for me to fully commit 45-60 minutes to myself as often as possible. Starting my day with Studio LB affords me the ability to be whole for my children and my husband given the current state of 24/7 home life. 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

My commitment and motivation has everything to do with the results. I usually get up at 6am to get my class in before my kids wake up. Otherwise, the day gets away from me and I struggle to get it done. If I miss the alarm (I have a teething one year old = some nights are rough) I invite my 3 year old to take the class with me during the baby's nap. We crack up together and I may have to pause on occasion (because snack breaks are life), but I get it done. In the past, it has always been easy for me to derail from my workout routine. I used to let life get in the way. When you extract the commute, structured studio schedules and added expenses there is no way to not get it done. I also make an extra effort for accountability to have some kind of challenge going on with my husband or a friend. Currently, my husband is training for a trail marathon and he is as regimented as they come. He follows a training schedule and on the days he runs I commit to a no-excuses Studio LB workout. 

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5? 

My no BS philosophy for myself: you're defeating the purpose if you're not giving these workout minutes your everything. For me, the beginner series was key to the method. It may seem elementary at times for veteran fitness guru's but a 10 in form is everything to achieving that burn and the desired results. I workout in front of a mirror to ensure my form is on point the whole time. It's almost as though I'm competing with myself when I'm able to see what I am doing. I have never worked out without a shirt on in a studio but it is important for me to see my body form and movements so a sports bra and (high waisted - amen) leggings are my uniform. This is one of the things I LOVE about this digital platform. My inner wallflower really shines. Another technique I find helpful is to video myself on my phone. It can be beneficial to see where I need to step up my game if I am struggling to nail a movement. I am far from coordinated so I have fun with the cardio and just keep moving and I give the sculpt my all, results guaranteed.


Alicia P. (Koloa, HI)

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB? 

I’ve been a member since August 2019. My typical schedule is:

  • Day 1 - Day 5: Studio LB

  • Day 6: Hike or Jog (or take LB outdoors)

  • Day 7: Yoga and Light stretching 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

To stay committed and self motivated I have built a routine that works for me.

  1. Work out in the mornings. I am not a morning person by any means, but I know after a long day at work I will not be as motivated.

  2. Record my work outs. This helps me notice how much I’ve grown over time. In the beginning, I had to modify almost every work those calf pumps I struggled with come second nature!

  3. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a full body work out. Swapping out full length workouts for some of my favorite Quick Burn workouts keeps me from missing a work out entirely!

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5?

For me it’s knowing my body and understanding what I need that day! Weights or no weights? When I’m feeling low, I drop the weights and focus on listening to Lauren. When I’m high energy, I add the weights to push myself and make sure I’m giving it my all.

The results you get are directly related to the effort you put in. Do your best to feel and look your best! - Mahalo, Alicia 



A few things that have been making my life better the last 20 days. From the top left clockwise…

My bestie, Salvage Maria serape three layered face mask for provisioning, Saie Glowy Supergel and Glossier Skywash in Echo are all I need for off and on-camera (or Zoom)…really all I’m wearing beyond mascara in the top right pic. Joah Brown everything - They do sexy/sporty like no other and the quality and fit are unmatched. Studio LB is keeping me healthy, fit and sane, Bala Bangles for the walks and Studio LB, D-Nice Club Quarantine is my new going out, Hedley & Bennett Wake Up & Fight Mask by Ellen & Bob Cho for provisioning or when you don’t want to look medical. Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash makes washing luxe and it’s worth every penny.